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Share your report

Montagem com casa destruída e mulher costurando


There is no single story that contains a single truth, a single version. Like lenses, each starting point allows for a different look, unique only in its uniqueness and intrinsic to a network of other stories, other feelings.

To restrict history to only one version would be to deny part of the local knowledge, of the great knowledge produced by the four corners of the world.

We want your contribution. Tell your story with the Doce River!

Send photos, texts, poems, drawings or audios that record your relationship with the Doce River and disaster.

Tell us your story

Submit your report here

The Mariana Technical Information Center was the first to be implemented.

[contact-form-7 id="10437" title="Depoimento"]

Frequently asked questions

You can participate by sending a text, audio or photo. The content must be related to the Doce River and the Fundão dam failure. Your contribution will be directed to the team that verifies that the material sent does not contain prejudiced or inappropriate content, and then it will be cataloged and made available in the Inventory’s collection.
Sometimes, when telling a case, we talk about several other facts, going around like the meanders of rivers. But for short reports, we have to be very direct and objective. After all, we want your report to be understood by anyone who accesses it, right? So, follow the tips below: • Define a specific fact; • Make a small script in writing, punctuating the main facts and people of the fact that you want to narrate; • Who participates in this fact? • What is the main issue? • What feelings do you want to report? After this brief script, you will have organized your ideas and will be able to record your report. Don’t worry, you can record as many times as you need and only send when you’re satisfied.
Image files can be uploaded in jpeg, png, jpg format.
This Inventory is a space for the collective construction of several narratives about the Fundão dam failure. In this way, the contents sent are the exclusive responsibility of the users. In this way, we emphasize that whether testimonials or stories, texts, poetry, studies, articles, audios must follow Law No. LGPD), Law No. 13,709, of August 14, 2018. Any damage to the copyright of others will be the responsibility of the user, who must declare when submitting content that he is the author and/or copyright holder of the uploaded file and that he authorizes its publication, for an indefinite period, free of charge, on this website and repository. for viewing and downloading by visitors.
If you have published content and want it removed from the Inventory, you must make this request through our contact email ( We remind you that when publishing any content, the user is accepting the conditions of the site/repository and previously agreeing with its publication free of charge and for an indefinite period. However, we value that this content belongs to the repository’s collection with the user’s agreement, and, in this sense, we will make the requested removals. This removal will not necessarily be immediate and may take a few days to process.
Reporting area in the CIT

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