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Get to know the collections

The CIT collections organize in thematic groups the various types of records and documents on the collapse of Fundão dam. Collections can be expanded over time, gaining new themes and languages. Explore and learn more about shared content!

Montagem de fotos de recuperação de uma imagem e testes da água. Créditos: Tomaz Silva / Agência brasil e Divulgação / Fundação Renova

Knowledge on the Agenda

The ‘Knowledge on the Agenda’ project aims to expand access to knowledge about the disaster for several audiences, strengthening a network of researchers involved in the technical-scientific production related to the collapse of Fundão Dam.

With the realization of online webinars, the project invites speakers to present their studies and works with other programs or research on the collapse and its developments in various areas of knowledge. 

The proposal is to seek a more accessible language for the content and, at the end of each cycle, enable the production and dissemination of an e-book with a synthesis of the speeches, research and work of the guests. 

The events are free and open to participation, and in addition to the academic community, scholars, specialists and experts are invited to participate in the annual webinars. 

The first cycle took place between August and December 2021, and the participation of the guests is recorded, in addition to the e-book, through the recordings of the lectures, also available in the CIT collection.

The Knowledge on the Agenda Cycle

Ciclo do Conhecimento em Pauta

The Knowledge on the Agenda Cycle


Reports, technical diagnoses and academic research in various areas such as geography, anthropology, political science, forest science and rural extension.


Provides moments for comments and questions by encouraging debate and promoting participants' interaction with guests.


Publication of an e-book with texts of scientific dissemination, written by the invited researchers on the themes presented. Also disclosed on the Interactive Platform.


Speaking directly to the academic community, interested in the topic and to those affected.


Invitations and disclosures for the meetings among experts and the academic community, interested and affected.

Publications of Knowledge on the Agenda

Space intended to give visibility to the published contents of the Knowledge on the Agenda project. At the end of the first cycle of Knowledge on the Agenda, all lectures were made available in the CIT collection and an e-book was produced from the content of the lectures.

Contents Memory Tracks

Check out the productions already released by the Memory Tracks project. In the first cycle of activities, from the workshops with those affected, five videos and one book were produced – the material can be accessed in the CIT collection.
Montagem de imagens para trilhas de Memórias - CIT

Memory Tracks

Memory Tracks is a project carried out together with the communities of the territories affected by the collapse of Fundão dam, with the mission of engaging communities in the registration and sharing of stories and perceptions of those affected about the impacts that the collapse brought to the ways of life in the territories that were affected.

What does the project do?

Through educational and cultural actions, promote the capture, registration, preservation and availability of content: reports, perceptions and narratives made by the affected population. These materials are transformed into audiovisual, literary, artistic and cultural productions, selected and built collaboratively. The materials produced can be accessed in the collection: Records of the affected territory.

Group of participants enrolled in the project.
Trilha com pegadas
Sharing experiences and perceptions
Participants gather the records to be formatted.
Trilha com pegadas
Completed material
Exhibition and publication in the collection of this website in "Records of the affected territory"
Group of participants enrolled in the project.

Sharing experiences and perceptions
Participants gather the records to be formatted.

Completed material
Exhibition and publication in the collection of this website in "Records of the affected territory"

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